Community Tourism in Ban Bang Rong: Travel Completely, Fully, and Deliciously
Fulfilled travel: full, delicious, and satisfying... Here it is: The community of Ban Bang Rong is an old community on Phuket Island. Most of the villagers here are Muslims. Occupation: local fishing, gardening, and general labor. There are mountains and seas here. Therefore, it is another tourist destination that I would like to introduce to you. Today Ko Tao Country Boy started his trip by getting on a boat. Go for a swim at Koh Phae, dive on a private island in the middle of the sea, and come back to have lunch. Delicious fresh seafood is served at a community restaurant. Finishing with fun activities that introduce new experiences at the pineapple and coconut gardens; learned to pick pineapples. Eat crispy, sweet Phuket pineapple from the garden. Next, we go collect coconuts to make Koko dessert in the middle of the coconut plantation... I've already told you that the trip is complete, full, and delicious. You can follow Ko Tao to travel. Travel Bang Rong Community's Bangrong CBT is on the Ban Bang Rong Community Facebook page. Or call Bang Mad, Mr. Prasert Ritraksa, president of the Bang Rong Community Tourism Enterprise Group, at 094-714-8707 directly.

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