Tin panning at Phang Nga

  • 30 Jun
  • A I
  • 0 Reviews

Tin panning at Phang Nga

"Tin panning" is an interesting practice that you can experience in Phang Nga. It gives you a fascinating look into the past.
When the price of rubber dropped, the villagers in Takua Pa District started panning for tin ore in the canals as an additional job.
The price per kilogram can range from 200 to 250 baht.
During the ore sifting process, In this village, the locals still rely on a traditional wooden container called "liang." It is a flat, round, pan-like object that serves various purposes. People commonly use this tool to sift minerals along the canal.
There are still around 100 individuals in Takua Pa and Kapong districts who engage in panning tin ore as a secondary occupation.
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